Archive for March, 2012


Posted in music, Slithis on March 21, 2012 by pyraphonic

Slithis is an improvisational duo I am half of. All tracks are recorded live using mostly electronic instruments varying from soft synths to homebrew hardware.

We began collaborating without any preconceptions yet the music usually seems to gravitate towards dark deep space drones bubbling with percolations reminiscent of the Forbidden Planet soundtrack but with a modern sheen. Tons of the material has been cultivated and populated by my co-conspirator Stexe on the always entertaining Futurechimp blog here: SLITHIS (initially, we used the moniker ‘Church of the Latter Day Synths’, hence the “LDS” label on Futurechimp)

Individual tracks are also mirrored here.

Here’s a track called Io Koi Pond.

Rock Music

Posted in music, other people's work with tags on March 8, 2012 by pyraphonic

Pinuccio Sciola is an artist who works with giant rocks to create ‘sound stones’ which resonate when manipulated with hands or other stones. This short film about him has English subtitles (@ 9:30 there is an amazing sound stone with long tines cut into it – sounds great on a big stereo!):

If you’re in a hurry, these are short:

Name of the Moon

Posted in music, Name of the Moon with tags on March 5, 2012 by pyraphonic

Name of the Moon is an entirely improvisational project to which I contribute guitar, synthesizers, theremin and other electronic/electro-acoustic sounds. Other members (Be Hussey, Jonathan Wald and Michael Murphy) contribute bass guitar, synthesizers, crystal bowls, electronic drums, acoustic drums, hammer dulcimer, and treated vocals.

Being improvisational in nature, pop structures are not applied. Instead, ideas ebb and flow with moments of spontaneous structure and waves of energy which may develop or crash and burn at any moment. An idea may bloom into what seems like a planned musical moment or we may follow the muse off a blind cliff. It keeps things interesting. Embracing moments of chaos as well as the emergence of structure, Name of the Moon can be beautiful, bombastic, ambient or alien.

Here are 3 tracks:

[photos by Jordan Reznick Renner]